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ESMRMB  Hands-On MRI Advanced Neuroimaging 


18-20 Sep. 2014 Otwock, POLAND


Lecture Topics (50% of the course)

Basics of Advanced Neuroimaging
The theoretical background of fMRI, DTI and perfusion MRI will be approached from a practical perspective. Clinical applications will be addressed.

Technical set-up fMRI
fMRI requires an environment in which subjects perform specific tasks (finger movement, listening to text or music, viewing images, et cetera). Response monitoring, such as by pressing buttons, may be required for certain procedures.
We will discuss these requirements and the equipment that is available to fulfill them.

fMRI task design
Design of the fMRI experiment is crucial. The most commonly used fMRI clinical paradigms will be discussed. We will focus on clinical tasks for the localisation of the primary motor cortex and the assessment of hemispheric dominance of language processing as examples of the design process.

Principles of data analysis
The interpretation of fMRI, DTI and perfusion MRI requires extensive postprocessing. A short overview of the post-processing steps will be given.
Software packages for data-analysis will be explained and discussed: specifically those provided by Philips Healthcare (Intellispace).

Clinical and research applications
Clinical applications of fMRI, DTI and perfusion MRI will be discussed and an overview of the relevant functional anatomy of the brain will be given. We will also provide a short introduction into several research applications of advanced neuroimaging.



Hands-On Topics (50% of the course)

Scanner console interface
All scanning will be performed on a 3T Philips Healthcare 32-channel MR system. We will provide ample opportunity to become familiar with the scanner console interface.

Data acquisition
Monitoring of data acquisition is particularly important and will be specifically addressed. Sequence adjustments to optimize image quality and contrast, as discussed in the lectures, will be practiced and visualised.

Instruction and preparation of subjects
We will emphasize optimal subject instruction prior to the study and monitoring of subject performance during scanning.

Data analysis
We will practice data analysis extensively. Hands-on practical workshops will use Philips Healthcare software for data analysis (Intellispace).

ESMRMB- Hands-On MRI and Philips Healthcare

Advanced Neuroimaging (fMRI-DTI-Perfusion)


THURSDAY  18-09-2014

12.30 -  13.30    Registration

13.30 -  13.40    Welcome

                        Dr Kownacki

13.40 -  14.30    Basics of fMRI (technique, optimization, data-acquisition, quality control)

   Dr Ronald Peeters

14.30 -  15.15    fMRI task design and setup

Dr Charles Mellerio

15.15 -  15.45    Coffee break

15.45 -  16.30    Basics of DTI (technique, optimization, data-acquisition, quality control)

                        Dr. Martijn Froeling

16.30 -  17.15    fMRI data analysis and post-processing

                        Dr. Ronald Peeters

17.15 -  18.00    Welcome reception

FRIDAY   19-09-2014

08.30 -  09.00    DTI data analysis and post-processing

                        Dr. Martijn Froeling

09.00 -  09.30    Data handling and data transfer

09:30 -  11:00    Hands-On

live scanning sessions fMRI

Workstations: DTI analysis

11:00 -  11:15    Coffee break

11:15 -  12:45    Hands-On

live scanning sessions fMRI

Workstations: DTI analysis

12:45 -  13:45    Lunch

13:45 -  14:30    Basics of perfusion imaging and analysis (DSE/DCE)

                 Dr. Atle Bjornerud

14:30 -  15.00    Basics of perfusion imaging and analysis (ASL)

                        Dr. Aart Nederveen

15:00 -  15:30    Functional Neuroanatomy

Dr. Charles Mellerio

15:30 ? 16:00    Coffee beak

16:00 -  17:30    Hands-On

live scanning session DTI / ASL / DSE 

Workstations fMRI analysis 

SATURDAY   20-09-2014

09.00 -  10.30    Hands-On

live scanning session DTI / ASL / DSE 

Workstations fMRI analysis

10:30 ? 11.00    Coffee break

11.00 ? 12.30    Hands-On

live scanning session DTI / ASL / DSE 

Workstations ASL/DSE/DCE

12.30 ? 13:30    Lunch

13.30 -  15:00    Hands-On

live scanning sessions DTI / ASL / DSE 

Workstations: ASL/DSE/DCE  

15:00 - 15:30    Coffee break

15:30 -  16.15    Clinical applications of fMRI, DTI and perfusion imaging

Dr. Charles Mellerio

16:15 -  17:00    Advanced fMRI and DTI for research applications

    Dr. Atle Bjornerud


17:00 ? 17:30    Closing remarks and end of the course

